Honest Descriptions

Ryan & Lucas discuss Airbnb / Vrbo listing descriptions and ensuring they are honest. Learn how to spruce up a negative part of your listing. Do not leave off negative items that may impact a guests expectation of your property! Lots of nuggets in this episode!

Hear From An Actual Rental Arbitration Owner!

Ryan & Lucas host our guest Tom. Tom is a landlord who switched his own properties from long term rentals to short term rentals using the rental arbitration model that Ryan provided him. Tune in for more details!

Airbnb / VRBO Event Policy

Ryan & Lucas discuss the “Event Policy” for each of the major online booking sites and how they may effect your current or future investment in the short term rental world.

A Repeat Bad Guest!?

Ryan and Lucas talk about a recent experience where Lucas had an awful guest try booking with him again years later. Listen in! Hint: Do not rent to a guest who’s known to be BAD! Tune In!

Airbnb’s $10,000,000 OMG! Fund

Ryan and Lucas take a look at Airbnb’s latest and greatest marketing for unique stays and how they are going to help hosts create these unique places to visit.

Wild STR News Story

Ryan & Lucas talk about a crazy new story making headlines in the news about a person who owes over ONE MILLION dollars in city fines for operating their STR.. Tune In!

Airbnb Split Stays

Ryan & Lucas discuss the final chapter of Airbnb’s 2022 Summer Release. Airbnb Split Stays. What to know as a host and how to make sure your listing is getting pulled in by the new search fields. Tune in!

Aircover For Guests -Airbnb

Ryan & Lucas dive deep on the new Airbnb Aircover policy that protects GUESTS. How does this affect you as a host and how does it change the way you do business. Tune in!

Airbnb Categories

Ryan & Lucas go in depth with you as they explore the new Airbnb Categories live! How is this going to effect the search results for your listing!